Mystery Blogger Award

Hi guys!

Yesterday I was nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award by Elsie L.M.C, so thank you! I’m so touched that you thought of my blog when nominating people for this award, I didn’t think people really liked my posts I just write whatever I feel like. A quick mention of the creator of this award Okoto Enigma who created it to recognise smaller bloggers.

The rules: 

  1. Put the award logo/image in your post.
  2. List all the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. Nominate 10-20 people
  7. Notify each one of your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with a weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share the link to your best/favourite post of yours.

Three things about me:

  1. If you didn’t know I’m a vegetarian and have been for 3 and a half years.
  2. I have a small circle shape scar on the right side of my nose from where I was stabbed with a straw by my friend while I was recovering from chickenpox.
  3. A bit random but I love anything with a floral print on it, Cath Kidston is like heaven to me.

Elsie’s Questions:

  • What is your earliest memory?

Going on holiday with my family to Cyprus aand jumping on rocks in the clear blue sea. I also remember it being really sunny and hot but I don’t know how old I was, maybe about 4 or 5?

  • What is the funniest joke you have ever heard? (Can be one you’ve made up)

It’s rubbish but ‘what do you call a man wearing brown paper trousers?’ ‘Russell’

  • If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?

Erm, I guess I’d make sure that Donald Trump never became president.

  • Who is your inspiration?

Jo Malone, a woman who came from a poor family and created a multi-million-pound business from almost nothing. I’m currently reading her autobiography, you should check it out! Her story has made me want to set up my own beauty business one day. I love her perfumes and she seems like a really genuine and lovely woman who certainly knows scents very well!

  • If you opened up your own museum what would be on display?

If I opened up a museum it would be a cheese museum, I genuinely couldn’t think of anything else and I really love cheese! Hahaha!

I nominate:

Mrs Strawberry Blonde

To The Moon And The Stars

Cat Flicks And Matte Lips

Simply Stella

Simply Ellen

Defying Gravity

Pastel Sparkles

The Rosy Perspective

Chub Rub Queen

Sophie In Wonderland


  1. If you could only take three things to a desert island, what would you take?
  2. Why did you start blogging?
  3. What’s your favourite thing to write about?
  4. If you could have dinner with four famous people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?
  5. What’s your favourite song to listen to?

My personal favourite post of mine is What have I learnt since starting uni? 🙂

Lots of Love

Liv x


3 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Congratulations and thank you for the nomination! I really appreciate it! 🙂

    I don’t have the time to do an awards post any time soon, so I’d like to answer your questions right here!

    If you could only take three things to a desert island, what would you take?
    Sunscreen, my laptop (I’m assuming the battery would last forever and I’d have access to the www), my husband. 🙂

    Why did you start blogging?
    I started blogging to connect with other people who share my passion for skin care and make-up. None of my real life friends share my passion for all things beauty…

    What’s your favourite thing to write about?
    Beauty stuff in general, I suppose… but I think I like my Nail Of The Day posts the most.

    If you could have dinner with four famous people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?
    George Michael (I never met him, but I’ve loved him since I was a kid, and it always felt like he was a dear friend),
    Kevin Spacey (I have a crush on Kevin Spacey, I love his voice, and I think he’s super smart),
    James Spader (I have a crush on James Spader and I can’t explain it…),
    Fran Drescher (I think Fran is an amazing person. She’s funny and warm, she likes to help people, she has a big heart, and she can put a smile on everyone’s face in an instant – I find her strength and her positive outlook remarkable, especially because she’s gone through so much in her life).

    What’s your favourite song to listen to?
    That changes every couple of days. And my favourite song is never a current song. At the moment my favourite song is Anonymity Is The New Fame by Frankel.

    I hope you enjoyed reading my answers. I certainly enjoyed reading your facts and the Q+A! A cheese museum… love it!

    And hey, if there’s a chance to go back in time, we could work together. I’m sure I could convince Kevin Spacey to run for President – in character – as Frank Underwood. FU’16!

    Again, thank you so much for the nomination. It’s so lovely you thought of me! xx

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